Did you know a comprehensive plan update is underway?
Review the Comprehensive Plan Today!
A comprehensive plan is a guidance document that provides a roadmap for the next 10-20 years and is formally adopted by the Town Council. Outlined by Indiana Code, comprehensive plans are required to provide statements about future growth in regard to land use, transportation and utilities, and other public services and facilities.
The plan will enter the adoption process starting in July 2023. There will be a public hearing at the Plan Commission. During this meeting, commission members and the general public will have a chance to share input on the draft plan. The Plan Commission will be asked to give a recommendation on the approval of the plan. Then, the Town Council will formally adopt the plan by resolution.

Plan Process
The Vision Plan will serve as the foundation for the Comprehensive Plan. The vision, goals, and objectives will remain the same. The only "new" piece will be the Future Land Use chapter.
Phase 1: Comprehensive Plan
Task 1.1 Draft Future Land Use Content
Task 1.2 Land Use Planning Public Workshop
Task 1.3 Prepare of Future Land Use Plan
Task 1.4 Draft Review Meeting
Task 1.5 Comprehensive Plan Finalization
Task 1.6 Adoption Meeting - We are here!
Task 1.7 Final Deliverable
Following the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the project team will begin to update the town's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).